Not All CBD Is The Same: Use This Checklist When Selecting CBD For Yourself

Not All CBD Is The Same: Use This Checklist When Selecting CBD For Yourself
June 25, 2020

CBD is everywhere you look today. It’s in the grocery store, department store, pharmacy, and even gas stations. But not all CBD products are the same and most people don’t know where to turn when looking for trustworthy information.

Here is “Your CBD Checklist” you can use when selecting CBD for yourself:

  1. Third-Party Lab Testing (Independent Verification Of Contents)
  2. Usda-Certified Organic Hemp Farm Sourced (Eliminating Pesticides)
  3. Co2 Extraction (Eliminating Toxic Solvents & Generating Highest Quality CBD)
  4. MCT Carrier Oil (Most Effective)
  5. CBD Product Concentrations Per Dose (Amount of CBD Per Bottle)
  6. Potency (Identifying Product Type: Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, or Isolate CBD)
  7. QR Code (To Easily Find Lab Reports)
  8. Labeling (Look For Full Transparency)
  9. Avoiding Sweeping Health Claims (FDA Regulations Prohibit)
  10. Trusted, Experienced Sources (Look For Award- Winning Products People Are

Rick and Laurie Smith, the owners of the Concord store which opened up in early April, invite you to contact them with any questions at 603-715-1153, or visit them online at